July 30, 2020 – GV Solutions partners with New York City’s volunteer campaign during the Covid-19 crisis
Good for Me. Good for My City partners pledge to engage employees in direct service volunteerism with New York City’s government agencies and community-based organizations.
The current crisis has exacerbated the need for language support in the boroughs most affected by the health emergency. Through our partnership with NYC Mayor’s Office, GVS delivered timely volunteer translation in Russian, Chinese and Spanish for New York City Housing Authority’s Wellness Calls during the Covid-19 crisis.
“The need for language access has never been more crucial than during the pandemic. Providing emergency translation services is at the forefront of our Covid-19 efforts. We are encouraged by the Good for Me. Good for My City volunteer campaigns and are proud to be doing our part for at-risk-communities!”- CEO, Ana Torres
GV Solutions is a New York – based, Woman Owned Business. We are a full-service provider of language, logistics and technology to federal, state, and local government, private corporations and the United Nations. GVS develops digital solutions to provide on-site and virtual logistics support and global language services.